FVWM '95 SourceForge Logo

What is FVWM-95?

Fvwm95 is a hack based on fvwm2. It tries to emulate the good features of a well known product without bloating the regular fvwm code.

The main aspects are:

Shortly after releasing the first version of fvwm95, we started working on a desktop-folder metaphor for the window manager in order to have a more complete emulation of the Windows-95 desktop. The development evolved towards the creation of a C++ class library, providing an easily extensible set of Win95-looking widgets, which eased the development of new applications.

Here are some fvwm95 screenshots:


The main distribution site has moved from mitac11.uia.ac.be to sourceforge. Go to the releases directory.

Mailing list

The old mailing list at physik.uni-muenchen.de has been moved to lists.sourceforge.net. The address of the new list is: To subscribe or unsubscribe a message should be sent to: with the word "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" in the message body. The messages will be archived and could be requested from: A weekly (or when 40kByte of size is reached) digest is also available:

Some fvwm and fvwm95-related links

Page last updated: Nov 26, 2001.

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