What is FVWM-95?
Fvwm95 is a hack based on fvwm2.
It tries to emulate the good features of a well known product without bloating
the regular fvwm code.
The main aspects are:
A familiar look and feel. It can be interesting for users moving from the
MS-World to Unix, or for those who have to switch regularly between the
two. Or for those that simply would like to have the same MS look and feel
in Unix, or for those that want to have just another window manager.
But before all, it's meant to be useful, simple and efficient.
Same flexible and easy configuration as the native fvwm.
Functionality extensible via loadable modules.
A taskbar: find quickly an application window and don't take space with
icon windows.
Shortly after releasing the first version of fvwm95, we started working
on a desktop-folder metaphor for the window manager in order to have a more complete
emulation of the Windows-95 desktop. The development evolved towards the
creation of a C++ class
library, providing an easily extensible set of Win95-looking widgets,
which eased the development of new applications.
Here are some fvwm95 screenshots:
The main distribution site has moved from mitac11.uia.ac.be
to sourceforge. Go to the releases directory.
Mailing list
The old mailing list at physik.uni-muenchen.de has been moved to lists.sourceforge.net.
The address of the new list is:
To subscribe or unsubscribe a message should be sent to:
with the word "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" in the message body. The messages
will be archived and could be requested from:
A weekly (or when 40kByte of size is reached) digest is also available:
Some fvwm and fvwm95-related links
Page last updated: Nov 26, 2001.
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